Monday, March 19, 2012


Hi, Ladies!

Earlier this month, we had our first ladies' luncheon. Just a few of us were able to attend, but we had a great time. We have decided on the following activities for our Women's Ministry:

1. First Sunday Lunch. All ladies are invited to attend this time of fellowship, and children are welcome. :) We will pick this up in May since the first Sunday of April is the youth BBQ dinner.
2. Quarterly Events: outings/ in-home fellowships, etc.
3. Bible Study: First and Third Tuesday evenings (most likely starting the 3rd Tuesday of April). We are planning to start with Beth Moore's Mercy Triumphs. This is a study of the book of James, and we chose it because it offers several layers of involvement- from just watching the videos to memorizing the book of James! This is a great opportunity for ladies who may not be able to commit to weekly Bible study with lots of homework right now. Even if you choose to do the homework, you will have two weeks to complete one week of homework since we'll only be meeting every other week. If you can only make it a couple of times, you will still benefit from the videos. We are planning on meeting in homes.
4. Priscilla Shirer simulcast: May 4-5. This one will be really low-key. We won't be inviting the entire community, but feel free to bring a friend. If you would like to sign up, please put an envelope marked Simulcast containing $15 in the offering plate.

Now, if you would like to help... :)

1. First Sunday Lunch- I could use someone to coordinate this. This person (or people) would remind us, set the menu or theme (This month was Salad Bar. We could do baked potatoes, soups, sandwiches, pot luck, etc.)
2. Quarterly Events- I need some "fun" people to come up with some ideas and coordinate this. We just need to make sure to include some free or low cost ideas. Remember, we only need to do this quarterly. One thing I really want to do is have a mother/daughter (ladies/girls) outing.
3. Bible Study- I will take care of this, and host the first one. Y'all can just show up and bring snacks! :)
4. Priscilla Shirer- I'll let you know. :)

If you can help in any way, please let me know. If you don't feel like you can help right now, I understand. Please just come and be a part of as many activities as you can. :)

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